Chronicles from the 20s – English

Chronicles from the 20s is the new spin-off of Instant Documentary.

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Chronicles from the 20s is a YouTube channel only gathering interviews of people in their twenties. It’s totally independent! I think they are our hope but no one wants to bet on them. That’s why I set it up. If you want to hear the stories of those who have the temerity and the energy to change the world, but have always been told they are too young to decide, take a walk on the young side!

Chronicles from the 20s – what and why!

As a documentary director my way to make the world a better place is telling stories, true stories.

“Chronicles from the 20s” is a YouTube channel entirely based on interviews with people between 20 and 29 years from all over the world. At the moment I can space from England to South Korea, via Cuba, Iran, Spain, Germany and many other countries. The aim of this project is to tell emotions, hopes, points of view and tales of a generation about which everyone speaks but no one wants to bet on.
Freedom belongs to the new generations so by collecting these tales I discovered again how hard and gorgeous it is to be in your 20s, because of today’s world, in spite of it! And I feel the need to share it with you!

I started by chance, working on this independently. Last spring I met two girls who got involved in the terrorist attack in Brussels and I asked them to share their experience. They also told me what they think about the current situation in the globalized world, about foreigners, migrants, terrorism, the European Community, Brexit, the opportunity to travel and live without boundaries, love, future, work, and much more. It was just the beginning.

Many young people joined the project sharing their stories and volunteering their skills but it’s not easy to go ahead, because I need to be independent to keep on making it as much honest as possible. That’s why I decided to try a crowdfunding campaign as a startup.

Not just for the young’s sake

I think the new generations belongs to everyone and preserving them is everyone’s duty. That’s why I think that the crowd is essential to achieve the success of the project.
To carry it out we need any kind of warm support. We need to buy equipment to shoot contents: camera, microphone, a new hard drive, an editing workstation (the one we are using now is actually mine, but it started to fit a little tight)… We need to travel to meet new people to interview and to develop solutions to expand the audience. It would be amazing if we had the chance to give to all our young and passionate volunteers the opportunity to turn it into a job. So, your money will be employed to realize the most urgent of these things.
We will start to pay the translators and the editors for the next 15 videos which we already shot, then to shoot and edit 15 more stories. We will also invest part of the budget to improve our distribution on the web.

We are also looking for sponsorships, coproducers, (if you are interested email us) locals and European funds.

But we don’t need just money, we also need to build a strong community. You can help us also by scouting stories, translating our videos, sharing and subscribing our YouTube Channel and following across social networks: FacebookInstagramTwitter

Take a walk on the young side

Our dream is to pass this generation and become a permanent observatory over the youth. We want it to be free and on air forever, belonging to everyone.

The Internet and today’s world are giving us a great opportunity: to shape and to spread the vision of the generation representing the future. We want to make the most of this opportunity not for commercial purposes but in order to build a better world tomorrow. It could be one of the most important tools to do it, so c’mon, make it possible, take a walk on the young side!