Snapshots, 4 documentary tales by Alessia Marinoni

For two weeks, starting from the 17th of November, we will post four short stories – coming out respectively on Tuesday and on Thursday – taken from the collection of short stories Istantanee – Snapshots, written by Alessia Marinoni. They will be available both in their original version in Italian and in the translated version in English. An introduction by the autor follows.

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Il coito dei lessemi [Vera Pavlova vista da Greta Poli]

Il numero bianco di Twenties, il magazine è stato anche poesia, grazie a Greta Poli e alle sue traduzioni dei

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“Hate just stirs up more hate” Interview with Sam from Korea, North or South doesn’t matter…

“When you teach #hate to your #children they are going to learn to hate others” Sam from #Korea about terrorism,

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A morning in Maelbeek – Chronicles from the 20s, Coming Soon

Federica works in a building just above the Malbeek metro station, in Brussels. The 22nd of march 2016 she went

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“They feel so special!” – Chronicles from the 20s, Coming Soon

“Everyone who is in the middle of their twenties, they feel so special!” Ekin Asar, 25 – Istanbul Chronicles from

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